Friday, October 26, 2018

Hawaii Still Sucks!

I guess I should be over it by now but I still have beef with Hawaii. I should be thankful that technology allows us to stay connected by face time, etc. but I want to hug little Zoe and Daric so bad. Dan, Janelle and the kids are doing great and Zoe started at her new school so I'm happy for them. I hope we can go visit soon. Love you guys!

Little Daric cruising in his ride

 Zoe going to school.
It's been a long time since the girls first went to school...this picture made me cry

Shoes...Check!, Backpack...Check!, Soda...Check!

Janelle sent this picture the first day they got there and I nice they went to the beach on the first day only to find out they just walked across the street. I'm not hating

 This park is right across the street from their house.
Looks like a shady neighborhood to me

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Daryn this is honestly the coolest blog page ever!!! I absolutely love this! We love and miss you guys so much!!!