Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Father of the Bride

So mommy and I are officially in-laws now that Sarah is married. The weekend before last Sarah, now Sarah Pomers got married to Eric (that's 3 Erics in the family now) It was a beautiful ceremony on a yacht in Newport beach. We didn't go out to sea, just putted around the harbor and the ceremony was at sunset which was gorgeous. We had a boat full of our family and friends and even though it was an open bar not 1 fight broke out. Congrats Sarah and Eric, I am so happy for you and pray that God will always be at the center of your marriage. There will be ups and downs but nothing that you can't handle if you put each other before yourselves.

I only have 1 picture but I promise I will share more when the photographer sends them

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this pic of you two!!