Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Almost a year ago I blogged about my friend Joe being the MAN for hooking mommy and I up with a beautiful suite at Pechenga for our anniversary. Sadly Joe passed away unexpectedly 2 weeks ago from a brain hemorrhage. Joe and I hit it off as soon as I hired him and even though he reported to me I considered him a friend and learned so much more from him than anyone I have ever worked with. Joe had such a big heart and was one of the most dedicated and loyal guys I have ever worked with. I'm going to miss him dearly and will forever cherish our friendship. Until we meet again, So long Joe.

I broke out the good stuff to say goodbye to Joe

This is the last picture I have of Joe. We went to Heroes for lunch and sent the picture to Mario who left us to work for the city of Corona so that's why Aggie is flying the finger.

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