Thursday, October 6, 2011

Take me out to the ball game

I got 2 tickets to the last Angel game of the year from a friend at work and since it was Sophie's turn in the "Daddy Date Night" rotation it worked out perfect. We had a blast!!! Sophie especially loved the kiss cam and laughed every time I tried to cover her eyes. She also loved the Rally Monkey and when the sign said make some noise. There was a drunk guy behind us that would scream this high pitched YEE-HA every time the sign lit up and Sophie thought he was hilarious. We got there a little late but found a $5 parking lot and carried our bag-o-hotdogs in and stupid me tells Sophie that we will get peanuts inside thinking that my $4 in change will be enough. I guess I haven't been to a game in a while because I was about $4 short. Luckily I did bring some of my Reese's peices because I couldn't even afford a churro with four bucks. Anyhow, we had a great time and Mia and I went out a couple days after to watch the Zoo Keeper so it's Michelle's turn. I think I want to take her to a museum, I think she will enjoy it.