Thursday, August 7, 2008

Diaper days are over

We are officially out of the market for diapers which is bittersweet. I am very happy that we don't have to fork out the $$$ anymore and it is so cute to see Mia's buns in her big girl panties but it is sad to think that I will never change a diaper for one of my girls again. I say that mostly in a metaphorical sense because with all 3 girls I probably changed about 3 diapers but it is still sad none the less. Now we are on to bigger adventures like how fast can you find a restroom from the time you hear "I have to go potty". I can only imagine what other adventures we will be having with these 3 girls as they get older.

1 comment:

Chris and Roni said...

Seriously... we have heard that statement way too many times and got to the restroom with mere moments to spare!