Monday, August 18, 2008

Back to School

School starts next week and Isella will be one kid short at home as Sophia starts Kindergarten. This makes me so proud and so frightened at the same time. I know Sophie will do great but I am expecting a few more notes sent home this year. Andrew will be a junior this year, also a proud/frightening moment and Michelle will be in 3rd grade and officially smarter than Dad in math. Back to school time can be a very emotional time for parents, at least for wimps like me because they are going somewhere where they have to fend for themselves and I can't be there in the background when some punk kid is mean to them. At least I get a warm up by leaving for work each day, I can only imagine how Isella must feel being with them 24/7 since birth. At least I have the comfort of knowing that I only have to do this one more time.

Another one bites the dust

Michelle lost yet another tooth and it was still just as dramatic as the first one. We have alot more teeth to go so I hope it gets better.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Diaper days are over

We are officially out of the market for diapers which is bittersweet. I am very happy that we don't have to fork out the $$$ anymore and it is so cute to see Mia's buns in her big girl panties but it is sad to think that I will never change a diaper for one of my girls again. I say that mostly in a metaphorical sense because with all 3 girls I probably changed about 3 diapers but it is still sad none the less. Now we are on to bigger adventures like how fast can you find a restroom from the time you hear "I have to go potty". I can only imagine what other adventures we will be having with these 3 girls as they get older.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Graham Cracker Suite (NO VACANCY)

Look Girls, we have our own website..... now everyone in the world can see how we roll.