Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Suite Hearts

Well girls, daddy out did himself once again for Valentine's day. Steak and lobster dinner was excellent and goodie bags were well recieved by my suite hearts. We even invited grandma to share in the love. On Saturday daddy took mommy on a date and I was going to make it a surprise but since mommy hates surprises I gave her a heads up. So where did we go you ask? Hawaii?, Paris?, Venice?, the beach?, a really fancy restaurant?....NO, we went to beautiful Redlands CA. to go fishing. YES fishing. Ever since Andrew and I went fishing I am literally hooked and want to take the whole family fishing. We didn't catch anything and mommy froze her butt off but it was a nice drive and we had fun anyway. So the lesson here is that you don't have to spend alot of money or make extravagent plans to make your loved ones happy on Valentine's day. Of course this goes for the other 364 days of the year as well. Thanks to all of my SUITE HEARTS for another fantastic Valentine's day. I Love you

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