Friday, September 25, 2020

Random Stuff

It's Friday and I just felt like blogging. Fall is here so the yard work will slow down and decorating season is coming. I don't even really like Halloween but I do like decorating my house. I'm going to step it up a little this year by adding a fog machine to the graveyard and I'm even going to let my grass die for an extra spooky effect. Actually I just don't like cleaning the yard while the decorations are out and after Halloween I am going to scalp and overseed the grass
Little Dan being silly.
Our garden before it was a garden. And daddy letting the broiler hang out LOL
Shout out to dad, rocking the stache
Yep, still hurt. Still not done but another 6 hour session of shading.
I can't even get a back rub from the girls but Lola gets the spa treatment.

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