Friday, September 25, 2020

Random Stuff

It's Friday and I just felt like blogging. Fall is here so the yard work will slow down and decorating season is coming. I don't even really like Halloween but I do like decorating my house. I'm going to step it up a little this year by adding a fog machine to the graveyard and I'm even going to let my grass die for an extra spooky effect. Actually I just don't like cleaning the yard while the decorations are out and after Halloween I am going to scalp and overseed the grass
Little Dan being silly.
Our garden before it was a garden. And daddy letting the broiler hang out LOL
Shout out to dad, rocking the stache
Yep, still hurt. Still not done but another 6 hour session of shading.
I can't even get a back rub from the girls but Lola gets the spa treatment.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Remembering Dad

Thanks Auntie Veronica for sending me these pictures of us with grandpa. I know we have these pictures but mommy and I are old school so they are in an album. Yes an album. Before Instagram or clouds we had these books with clear plastic slots to insert photos and instead of swipping your finger you would use two fingers to gently pinch the page and flip it to the next page. You can file this lesson along with daddy's post from a while back explaining newspapers. Here are some pictures from the girls soccer days. I wish Mia would let me carry her on my shoulders again and in one of the pictures it looks like grandpa is doing the old missing thumb trick, he was really good at that one LOL!

Monday, September 14, 2020

Rest in Peace Dad

Grandpa Randy passed away on August 29th after battling cancer and a few other health issues for a year or so. He seemed ready for it and I am grateful that he passed fairly quickly after coming home on hospice and didn't suffer too long. He was cremated and his ashes will be at Holy Sepulchre in Orange where great grandpa Herb is buried along with a few other relatives from the Perez side of our family. We'll see you again dad in God's time, until then we'll rejoice in God's Greatness and hold on to our fond memories.