Friday, December 20, 2019

Happy Birthday Nino

We took a trip down to my old neighborhood in Anaheim a few weeks ago to visit Nino for his birthday. We grew up in the same neighborhood so it was fun reminiscing on the streets I grew up. He had a party and invited a bunch of old friends and since I don't do any social media it was the first time I have seen a lot of them in years. Michelle brought her boyfriend Edward and Nino got drunk and tried to intimidate him but just ended up talked his ear off as he tends to do. The girls went home early with Edward but mommy and I stayed up until 3am catching up with old friends. We haven't been up that late in years. We moved the party over to Lupe's house after Nino passed out since he lives down the street and I was so impressed by Lupe and Shelly's house. They bought an old house that was built back before WW1 and remodeled it and it looks absolutely beautiful. I really love our house but I would love to move back to the neighborhood I grew up in.

Nino with his SC cake (Nino just a little buzzed)

Lupe, me, Sonny, Travis and Nino (Nino still standing)

Me, mommy and Nino (I think mommy is holding Nino up at this point)

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