No not because Grandma is into extreme sports or anything but because she is moving from Bullhead City Arizona, one of the HOTTEST places in the world to Brooklyn Center Minnesota, one of the coldest places in the world. I don't think this was a bucket list item either, grandma moved to be closer to family. She found a cute little apartment on a lake in Minnesota 2 doors down from my uncles Ken and Erik and the best part is that she will spend the winters here in California with us. She will stay with Mom mostly but with Andrew planning on moving out soon we may have a guest room she can stay in too. The girls think they will have a chance at Andrews room but there is no way in hell I am letting any of my teenage daughters have a room with a private entrance. I was planning on making it into a Man cave and maybe grandma won't mind looking at all my high school accolades but the neon beer sign might keep her up at night. I am really excited for this new chapter in my grandmas life and am proud of her for taking such a big leap of faith. I know it was hard for her to leave her home of so many years but as we kept reminding her as we moved, her memories will always be with her and all the pictures and even this blog will always be there for her to reminisce. It also doesn't hurt that my brother Eric bought her house to have a house at the river so she could always go back and visit if she misses the blistering heat or the fast paced lifestyle of Bullhead City (That's sarcasm in case you didn't catch it)
Selfie in front of grandmas house after we finished loading the truck for Minnesota
Andrew looking as sharp as ever before his interview. I don't know why mommy cropped herself out of the photo, she is the reason he is so handsome. I wish I could take credit for his stunning looks, even his beard is better than mine. I did let him borrow that tie though, I think I tied it for him too.

On the way home the girls and I stopped at the cemetery to see papa. It was so fun telling stories about papa almost the entire ride home. Papa would have absolutely adored my family and would have constantly bragged to anyone who would listen about them. He would brag about how beautiful Isella is and what an excellent cook and wonderful mom and wife she is. He would tell people how brave his great granddaughter Sarah is and how she is always looking for an adventure. He would be so proud that Andrew became a Graham and that would be the real reason he is so handsome. He would say how Michelle is gorgeous and sings like an angel. He would be so proud of Sophia in Air Force JROTC and would break out his old uniform to take pictures with her and he would tell everyone how Mia will be the first female president of the United States. I miss you so much papa and hope I've made you proud by trying to be the dad and papa you were.

We have so many more pictures to go through but how cute is papa dressing up in his suit for grandparents day in uncle Dan's class. And how cute is uncle Dan sipping his milk!