Thursday, August 1, 2019

Hang in there Dad and Bear

Got word a few weeks ago that my dad has cancer. I can't pronounce the type but I know he has it in his bladder and pancreas. Dad is definitely a man of few words so when I talked to him he didn't seem to know much more than I did so auntie Veronica has been giving the family updates. Dad is also a man of few emotions, although Veronica did tell me that he cried when they towed his old work truck away to the junk yard 😊 Dad didn't seem to be too worried about it and we actually shared a good laugh when he told me the story of what made him go to the Dr. in the first place because he had an accident at work and he was just happy that being a parking attendant at Anaheim Stadium that he has to wear a brim hat that perfectly covered everything up. I'm glad that dad has a good attitude about the diagnosis and I know that will help him fight the good fight.

Also got word a few weeks ago that our longtime equipment man at Anaheim HS was just diagnosed with prostate cancer. Barry, who we all call "Bear" was the equipment man when my uncle played football at Anaheim in the early 80's, when I played there in the 90's and as long as I coached there. Barry's sons were the ball boys for the teams I played for and after they came back from college I coached with his oldest son Andy for 10 years. Barry just retired a couple years ago so I really hope he beats it and can enjoy his retirement, he deserves it!

This is me and Bear at coach Torres' retirement party a couple years ago and I look like I'm 8 months pregnant. Sadly, I don't have a single picture of me and dad. Apparently he is a man of few pictures too. 😊

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