Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Schools out?

Is it me or is the school year ending earlier and earlier every year? This year the girls got out in May and it doesn't even feel like summer yet. Sophia made it through her freshman year of High School and Mia is going to be a freshman next year. Hopefully Sophia is nicer to her little sister than I was to uncle Dan when he and I were in school together. Mia actually goes to a different school but might be going to Sophia's school for some extra curricular activities since her school doesn't offer them. They both struggled in some areas at times but worked hard and finished strong. I am so proud of both of them for working hard and being involved in activities. Sophie is in theater and JROTC and Mia is in the Ballet Folklorico club. Michelle lightened her load a bit by dropping some classes and is still working almost 30 hours a week so I'm working on teaching her to follow her dreams and not chase the $$$. I am proud of her being such a hard worker but I want her to be happy with what she does for a living and not concentrate on money. Other than school and work her favorite activity is spending time with her boyfriend....go figure. So get to work on your chores girls then get ready for our first summer adventure.

Sophia as Lady Beatrice in Arlington High School's performance of "Once upon a Mattress"
I wasn't sure what to think of the name at first but it was very cute and I am so proud of her for working so hard at rehearsal, JROTC practice and keeping up on her school work and chores. 

Sophia's squad needs a little work on their timing but she was the best of the group and only cracked a smile when I whistled really loud

Since it is still spring after all, here are some pictures of our garden. 

These are radishes, kale, squash and a bunch of other crap I won't eat

I was about to give up on this Navel Orange tree but he started showing signs of life so I'll give him a chance. Hang in there little guy!
 Here is my corn field. GO HUSKERS!
The stalks have actually grown twice this size since this picture was taken.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

It's Official!

After 20+ years my son finally has my last name and is recognized by the state of California and the "Law of man" as officially being my son. Of course I say this because in God's law he has always been my son and as the small keepsake Isella gave to Andrew and Sarah says "DNA doesn't make you family, Love does". A very simple principle when you think about it but it was still exciting to go to the courthouse and make it official through a ceremony. The judge and court staff made it very nice and informal and shared that these types of cases are their favorite as they have to deal with a lot of nasty family cases that don't have a happy ending as ours did.

Thank you Lord for such a blessing and I pray that you grant me the wisdom, compassion and all the tools I'll need to continue to pass down to my son the Love You have given us through Your Son.

This is the collage of Andrew and I that went out with the invitations. Thanks Auntie Veronica for pointing out that I'm not wearing a shirt in half of the pictures 😊

It's official. Not only did the judge let me slam the gavel but I am wearing an authentic Graham Clan Tartan Tie. That pattern has been on Graham family kilts and clothing since the beginning of time.

As soon as the judge said we can take pictures Bella got first dibs

Us with the judge