Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Christmas Time in the Suite

For the first time ever in the suite, daddy actually got all of the Christmas decorations up the day he said he would. This is our second Christmas in the new house but last year I had so much of the house torn up that I think I just put up lights. This year we added to it and I think it looks great. I'm no Clark Griswold but I think our house looks the best in Casa Blanca. Decorating really helped put me in the spirit since I've been a little grumpy with my new job being a pain. Thanks to the neighbor we have a new inflatable Santa going down a slide with an archway that says "Happy Holidays". I really didn't want to use any Santa stuff in my decorations because I really want the girls to appreciate the real reason for Christmas which is the birth of our Savior but once the neighbor inflated it the girls loved it so I guess I can let it slide. We are going to go pick up Great Grandma in Arizona this weekend and Uncle Ken is flying in from Minnesota so it is going to be a great Christmas this year with most all of our family together. I won't be able to take much time off this year but we are planning our annual snow trip the Monday after Christmas so I hope it snows a lot on Christmas. I have a good feeling for the suite in 2017 and looking forward to a great year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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