Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Springtime in the Suite

Spring is here! This year is flying by so that means we must be having fun. Nothing really new to report from the suite, everything is going well. Michelle just had her birthday and is officially a teenager, Sophia is doing good in school and continues to crack me up with her sense of humor and Mia is getting so beautiful and smart that I would be getting suspicious if I didn't know her mom. :) Anyhow, her are a couple of pictures.
We found a baby bird in the alley that must have fell out of the nest and Mia had the great idea to read to the baby bird to make her feel better. The book was about a baby bird looking for its mother......sooo cute! But the bird died the next day. :(

Here are the girls at the Natural History Museum. Grandpa got us annual passes for Christmas.

This one is from our hike the other day. I had a hard time getting Michelle on the horse but I really wanted a picture.

Daddy on his bike, Believe it or not I used to ride on the back of this same bike when I was a baby. I found it in my dad's back yard and fixed it up.

Here is a mommy duck with 13 baby duckies following her. We saw this on our hike and it was so cute. Sophie said this is what we look like when we go for bike rides because the girls follow right behind me.

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