Football season is almost over and since I resigned as head wrestling coach I will have plenty of time to blog all winter long. Alot has happened since my last post after our family vacation so I'll try to do my best to mention everything that has gone on in the suite. Football is going well, my team is 6-3 and fighting for 2nd place this week. It is a little disappointing since we have been league champs for 2 years in a row but we have a good core group of kids that have worked hard and have been over matched all season but have fought with the best of them. I am going to miss coaching wrestling but I am looking forward to my first winter off in 7 years. I know Christmas shopping will be alot easier this year. My brother Eric got married last month and is moving into his second brand new house. I am jealous but really happy for him. It has been so nice to have my big brother back again. We haven't been this close since before he left home. His new wife Gina is great and I am happy to have her as a sister in law. Bella had her 1st birthday party last weekend and she made out like a bandit. It was the one day this year that was cold and drizzling so the party was cut short but still fun. Papa got her her very first Coach purse. I figured she is already a Diva so I might as well spoil her like one. The girls are doing great too. We are having a combined birthday party for Sophia and Mia this year. Sophie just turned 9 and Mia is going to be 7. They are both doing good in school and in soccer. Michelle is not playing soccer this year but doing good in school and adjusting to Jr. High. Remarkably, I am doing ok adjusting to her being in Jr. High as well. Until next time, here are a couple of pictures from the suite.

Papa and Bella
Graham Family at Uncle Eric's wedding
Bella with her new Coach purse
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