With the last day of school on Thursday we had our end of the year assembly at Raymond School. I am so proud of all my girls for all of their hard work all year but today I am mega proud of my baby Mia. Mia won THREE awards for her hard work. After seeing the pictures you might think that I am proudest of the athletic award she got but really it is the Citizenship Honor Roll award that I am doing cartwheels over. The citizenship honor roll is for students that got all O's (Outstanding)in all citizenship categories for the entire year. I am at a whole new level of proud, not just because it seems she didn't inherit daddies smart alec gene or because I didn't see my last name on many citizenship awards. Nope, I am so happy because that is exactly what I have been praying for lately. I've been praying that my girls would be a good example to others in school and the citizenship honor roll sounds like an amazing answer to prayer to me. It can be very difficult for a kid to be a dedicated Christian in school now a days and that's why it's been on my prayer list for some time. In addition to Mia's Hat Trick, Sophia won an award for reading and we can't forget Michelle's big graduation tomorrow. Michelle will be going to Jr. High next year (another big item on my prayer list)and I can't figure out where the years went. Tomorrow also marks my last day at work before my vacation. I am really looking forward to our vacation this year. We're going to visit Great Grama in Arizona, visit the Grand Canyon and Vegas, go camping, go to the beach and Knotts and I plan to do a lot of golfing. Isella and I are also going to be celebrating our 11 year anniversary during my time off. We are going to stay aboard the Queen Mary then visit the Natural History Museum the next day. I hope to have a lot of pictures to blog about after our family vacation but for now here are some of Mia's awards and her dressed up for her Variety Show performance where her and a couple friends all sang "I am a Wildflower" by the Jane Dear Girls. And since I haven't blogged in a while here are just some random pictures I had on my phone.

Me , Nino and Jose at Angels opening day

Uncle Dan and Janelle

Girls with cousins Robert, Taylor and Danny

Girls at Danny's Birthday Party

Mia Wildflower

This one is a picture of the Harley I want since Father's Day is coming up. Just in case the kids can't think of what to get Daddy
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