Well daddy is back to work full time now and the girls are done with school. Sophia and Mia both had all A's and B's this semester and I am so proud of you girls for staying on track and getting everything done amidst this craziness. Not only is COVID bad enough now we have all the sadness, hatred and violence stemming from the George Floyd killing. I pray that this will all be over soon and that somehow we will all learn how to find a middle ground and create a new future and not just try to push our own agendas and not see through the eyes of our brothers and sisters. You all know that daddy is not a real political person but I really wish we could all go back to focusing on the real law given to us in His word and stop trying reinvent what is already perfect. 1 Peter 4:8 "Above all, love each other" is what He asks of us. There is no doubt that many changes need to be made in our country and the way it is run but if we were to keep this simple commandment in our hearts and minds at all time there is no way we can fail. I pray that the Lord will bless all of my children with a heart to love, the courage to stand up for what is right in His eyes and a strong relationship with Him to gain the wisdom to know what is right and not rely on human understanding but on His love.
I love coming home and finding treasues like this in the backyard
I don't always drink Bud Light, but when I do I prefer to do it with a flower in my ear
Lola's photo shoot. Aggie and the family came over for our first get together and Angie got Lola to pose so cute. There are like 100 more pictures but these are good enough.