Yes I've been waiting to say those words for a long time now. No Isella is not pregnant and I am not expecting my first grandson. On Friday May 24th @ 8:30am at the Riverside Family Courthouse I will be officially adopting Andrew making him an official GRAHAM. Of course at this point after having been his dad for 21 years this is really just a formality but there is not another man on earth as proud as I am of my son. Since the day I met him there has been no doubt who his dad is and as long as we have been together Andrew has never once been disrespectful to me or done anything but show me love and respect. This initially began by Andrew wanting to take my name legally and after Isella did some research we found out that it is easier and cheaper to do an adult adoption. Just signed a few pieces of paper and paid a $40 filing fee. We asked Sarah if she would like to be adopted and since she already has her married name she said that me walking her down the aisle was all she needed and that she already knows who her dad is. Cue the tears 😂 I feel so blessed that the Lord not only gave me 3 beautiful, smart and loving biological daughters but also doubled down on that blessing by giving me 2 more amazing kids. Through all of our time together, ups and downs, good and bad Andrew and Sarah have never been anything short of an amazing blessing from the Lord making me a better man every minute I get to spend with them. My prayer for all my 5 kids are that they love God and people and that they will always seek Him first before all.
Here is the invite we sent out for the special occasion. I also made a collage of pictures of Andrew and I but I don't have a copy on my computer so I'll share those next time.
Please join us to celebrate
the newest addition to the
Graham Clan
Andrew Damian Graham
6’3” 185 lbs
Official Adoption Ceremony:
Riverside Family
4175 Main St.
Riverside, CA. 92501
Friday May 24th
2019 @ 8:30am
The Graham Estate
7580 Casa Blanca St.
Riverside, CA. 92504
Friday May 24th
2019 @ 5pm
Please RSVP by May 15th for caterer