OK I've never even been to Hawaii but I'm upset about my little brother who is going to be moving to Hawaii in August. I am happy for Janelle to be able to be close to her family but that means we lose them and it's not like we can hop in the car to go see them. My little niece Zoe still hasn't warmed up to me and is still afraid of me and now that she will be in Hawaii I'm afraid she will never love her uncle :( Little Daric who is my namesake, well at least 50% my namesake is going to grow up without knowing where the first half of his name comes from. My little brother Danny named Daric after me and our older brother Eric, so DAR for Daryn and RIC for Eric. At least my name comes first :) With all of the girls in my life I was looking forward to doing stuff with my little nephew. I love my brother and wish him the best but I am going to miss him and the family.
Little Daric flexin for the ladies!
Look at those shoulders, he's definitely a wrestler
Daric after a hard days work