Since my last post was around Christmas it looks like this has become a seasonal blog but since I don't do any type of social media it will have to do. It's been in the triple digits in Riverside for a couple weeks now and I'm so grateful for air conditioning. We went to the river last week where it was in the 120's so getting back to Riverside was actually a relief. It's been an eventful year in the suite since the last post. Michelle went to the prom with her boyfriend Dominic and I only cried a little when the limo drove off. She looked beautiful and had a great time and more importantly was home on time. Michelle is now going to be a senior and we have gone out driving a few times. She is not too bad but it scares the hell out of me to know she'll be out on these crazy streets. Sophia had a rough first year of Jr. High but was able to finish strong and bring home a good final report card. I am so proud of how hard she worked all year. Since Sophie's school is on the way to my work I was able to take her to school in the morning all year. I don't think I would have made it in my new job without starting the day with her. It is only about a 10 minute ride but we had a blast in that 10 minutes joking around, changing words to songs and listening to Ryan's Roses on KISS FM. Mia had another great year in school getting the student of the year award. She tried to pretend that it wasn't a big deal but I couldn't help but announce it at the restaurant we went to celebrate and refer to her as miss student of the year for the rest of the day. She was also invited to an accelerated school for gifted kids that is kind of like college in that she chooses her own schedule and attends when she wants to. She hasn't made up her mind yet but after visiting the school and seeing the accomplishments of the kids that go there I am just so proud that she was invited. Seriously, some of these kids have patents pending. Sarah got engaged a couple months ago and is pregnant with what I'm hoping is my grandson but I will be just as happy with another granddaughter. The new son in law to be is named Eric so he'll be the 3rd Eric in our family. He is an ex marine and a little goofy but seems to be all about Sarah and is really great with Bella. I'm hoping they move out to Riverside to be closer to us. Andrew is still working at Stater Bros. and going to RCC with me. I keep telling him we should join a frat together but he's not into it. He and I revisited the old days a few weeks back by going to the junk yard like we used to when he was younger and even stopped to get a slurpee and jerky like back in the day. Isella and I are celebrating our 16 year anniversary this weekend. We haven't made any real plans yet other than being together. We've become really good at just enjoying each other where ever we are. Sounds kind of corny but it's true and I am so blessed to have a wife that is so easy to please. We did stop by the Coach Outlet on the way home from the river and picked up a new purse for momma so that could count as an anniversary gift. As for me I had an excellent Father's day and vacation. After 9 months I'm starting to get used to my job and working normal hours again. I still miss Park Plaza and all the residents and staff but I have a new boss now who really likes me and is really supportive. He even told me that he doesn't care about my tattoos and I can wear short sleeve shirts which is really helping in the heat. I really miss coaching and hanging out with my friends in my hometown but I am thankful for my house and better financial situation. Talk to you in the fall.

Proud parents of the Madison Elementary Student of the Year
The Graham Clan on Easter
Girls with Bella
Michelle and Dominic
Daddy with the last remnants of the American Idol stage that I built for Michelle's 5th Birthday party