Thursday, February 27, 2014

How can I get mad at that?

So I admit that I have been a little anal about my truck since I got it painted but how can daddy get mad at this. The girls must have been playing out in the driveway because when I got in my truck in the morning I saw some graffiti in the dirt on my car. I'll admit I got mad at first until I read what it said. It's kind of hard to see in the picture but it says "I love you daddy" on the lid of my truck. So of course I let it slide only to go to my truck the very next morning and saw another tag that said "Me too". Now you girls know that I love you so much but from now on let's just say it OK. :) Love you

Monday, January 20, 2014

Let's Catch Up

It's been a while since I have blogged on the suite (Sorry Uncle Chris) but it's not for a lack of material to blog about. All of the Graham girls are doing great including baby Bella. Michelle is doing great in her last year of Jr high with a 3.5 GPA and showing off her beautiful voice in her school choir. Sophia is doing good in school as well and continues to crack me up any chance she gets. I like to think that she got her sense of humor from me but I'm thinking lately that I got mine from her. Mia continues to amaze us with her intelligence and her homework continues to make me look like an amazing idiot. Baby Bella is growing faster than I would like and is talking up a storm, though it doesn't make much sense to us she seems to get her point across fine. Hearing her call me Papa melts my heart every time. Here are a couple of pictures, one of a new shirt that I had to get for Bella and the other is from our last football game where our kids wore jerseys with names and numbers of war vets that graduated from Anaheim and my grandpa was one of the honorees.