Friday, April 15, 2011

Photo CHOP!

Creative Auntie Veronica had a little fun with some pictures she took. Although I think all 3 girls could have been on the wanted poster I think they are all very cute. And you have to love the picture of me back when I used to be a stripper.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Graham Girls Hat Trick

The Graham Girls went a perfect 3 for 3 at the latest awards ceremony at Raymond School. Michelle's award was for citizenship, Sophia's was for reading and Mia's was for writing. It was an amazing awards ceremony and their wasn't a dry eye in the house....ok in our section.... ok it was only me crying but I couldn't help it you girls made me soooo proud I couldn't hold it in. Keep up the great work girls, you make me so proud everyday, I love you.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Michelle

Yesterday was Michelle's birthday and she is 11 years old now. I can hardly believe it. We are having a party on Friday night but we went out to dinner last night for her real birthday. Michelle and Mommy went to the mall to do what girls do best and Grandma, me and the girls met them later after all the damage was done. We went to Red Robin....YUM. I heard that a million times last night because of the jingle from the Red Robin commercial that the girls remembered. It was a nice dinner and there was at least 6 birthday parties at that restaurant, it was crazy. Another funny part was when the wait staff came to sing her Happy Birthday and Michelle was in the restroom. They came back about 4 times and she was still gone. By the time they finally sang to her it was our waitress and a bus boy left. I didn't get any pictures but here are a couple from the archives. The girls posing in their ballet outfits and one from an awards assembly where Sophia won an award for reading and Michelle won one for her citizenship. Great job girls, love you.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Farmer Daughter

Sophia's class had a field trip to a farm in Irvine and they had lots of fun. They actually got to pull carrots and pick spinach and take it home. Sophie's teacher Ms. Lee asked Sophie if she wanted to eat some of her spinach for lunch and Sophie said "No, we need bacon bits and ranch dressing first". She got a little embarrassed when everyone laughed about it, but she just doesn't realize how cute she is yet. Love you Sophia