Monday, August 30, 2010

Back to School

I just got this picture from Isella on Mia's 1st day of Kindergarten. Notice the tattoo on her left arm to establish some street cred on her first day :). I am so proud of my girls and I know they will do great this year. See you when you get home, love you.

Back to school time is always bitter sweet for me. I am glad that the girls are back to learning but I love all the fun summer stuff we do together. Back to school time is also a reminder that the girls are another year older. This seems worse than birthdays to me because they all go back at the same time instead of staggered throughout the year. This back to school time will be tough for Isella as well still recovering from surgery, at least all the girls are at one school now. Thanks to everyone that helped out during the last few weeks while my beautiful bride was "out of order". Grandma helped with back to school shopping, a task I refuse to do. Sarah helped a lot with the girls. You could definitely tell the days that Sarah got the girls ready and the days that I did. I am ashamed of the fact that I graduated from Cosmetology school but I still can't make a decent pony tail. Auntie Veronica and Uncle Chris took the girls to all kinds of fun places and gave me a break. A group of ladies from Church also helped out by bringing dinner for us every other day which helped out tremendously because I only have a few signature dishes and the girls won't eat most of them. Thanks to everyone who helped and prayed for our Family and thank God for watching over us through it all.