I have been so busy over the wrestling season that I didn't have time to blog (Brag) about my wonderful family. Here are some pictures from a couple months ago when Michelle was in the hospital with Pneumonia. She was in there for over a week but my brave little girl made it through. Sophia and Mia had a really hard time because they do not let kids under 15 visit so they missed her so much that when she got home they didn't start fighting for like an hour. Thanks to Grandma and Sarah for really helping out while Isella and I were back and forth to Fountain Valley and thank the Lord above for being right by her side through it all.
Here is a picture of me and the girls playing Loteria. It's kind of like Mexican bingo. We play with marshmellows and the winner gets to eat one.

Here is a picture of Michelle upset about the Connect Four beat down she just got. I got alot of dirty looks from the nurses because I didn't let her win. I will say that after a week of playing, she is awesome at Connect Four.

Here is a picture of Michelle's bear getting a breathing treatment. I gave this bear to her on the day she was born, that's why it looks so worn.

Here is a picture of my little baby resting.