This year really flew by. We had our open house at work where yours truly dresses up as Santa every year and of course it just so happened that we had the hottest day on record that day. The party was really nice but Mommy and the girls were running late from Michelle's soccer game and didn't get a chance to see Santa. They know it's me but they just love seeing me dressed up. We did get to take a picture and I think I will take the costume home and wear it for them at home. Mia also had a Christmas party at school and Mommy took some pictures. From the expression on the kids face in the second picture you would think that I was taking the pictures but I guess Mommy is pretty intimidating herself.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Christmas is almost here
This year really flew by. We had our open house at work where yours truly dresses up as Santa every year and of course it just so happened that we had the hottest day on record that day. The party was really nice but Mommy and the girls were running late from Michelle's soccer game and didn't get a chance to see Santa. They know it's me but they just love seeing me dressed up. We did get to take a picture and I think I will take the costume home and wear it for them at home. Mia also had a Christmas party at school and Mommy took some pictures. From the expression on the kids face in the second picture you would think that I was taking the pictures but I guess Mommy is pretty intimidating herself.
Orange League Champs
A couple weeks ago the parents of our freshmen had a BBQ in celebration of our league championship. It's been about 8 years since our last title and at the begining of the season I would have never thought that this group would be champions but they worked hard, played as a team and played with alot of heart. I'm very proud to have coached this hard working group of kids. GO COLONISTS !!!

Who needs video games
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Thanksgiving at our house was wonderful. We had a great time visiting with each other. My Mom, my Grandma and my brothers all came over. Andrew brought his appetite and Sarah had to work but she came over after work. The food was excellent and Mia's prayer brought tears to my eyes. It was unprompted and unscripted, she just spoke up when I was about to start our prayer and said "Daddy, I want to pray today" and it was the most beautiful prayer I have ever heard. Thank you Lord for always being in my girls hearts. We ate, talked and watched football all day. I finally retired to my recently remodeled DAD CAVE and my early Christmas new rocker recliner that I bought that day at a Thanksgiving sale, took it out of the box and made sure my butt was the first butt to sit on it. Since Andrew moved out Dad needs a place to do boy things like scratch myself, fart and watch sports. That's what I tell the girls anyway, who insist it is a "Play room". I will post some pictures of Thanksgiving and more importantly Dad's DAD CAVE when I get them downloaded. Until then here are a couple of Mia's soccer team pizza party, Mia making a ginger bread man and the girls making a pumkin at girls scouts.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Daddy's Girls
Mia's 5th Birthday
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
God, just take me now !!!
Officer DiCaprio came to Sophia and Mia's daisy meeting last week to talk to them about his exciting job being a policeman. What you don't know is that officer DiCaprio is Mia's future father-in-law. Since Mia was able to speak she swears that Andrew's friend Justin DiCaprio is her boyfriend. I'm not even sure Andrew and him even hang out anymore because I haven't seen him in a long time but Mia still insists he is her boyfriend. Any time the name Justin comes up in conversation Mia asks "my boyfriend Justin?" Oh and even cuter she pronounces it "Juth-tin" Anyhow, I hear Justin is working to become a fireman and having a cop in the family is never a bad thing so I guess she could do a lot worse. I really hope I am able to joke like this when the girls start dating for real.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Trick or Treat
I know it's a little early but Auntie Veronica and Uncle Chris got special tickets to Disneyland where they close down the park and those who have these special tickets can go trick or treating all around Disneyland. Michelle was a pirate and Sophia and Mia were both snow princesses. They had a blast and were so tired when they got home that they didn't even notice that all of the Reeses peanut butter cups were gone. (Daddy's favorite)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Deja Vu all over again

Auntie Veronica pointed out a really interesting observation from the Graham Cracker Suite. In both pictures of Sophia's first day of Kindergarten and Mia's first day 1 year later, they both appear to be wearing the same thing, wearing the same hairdo and coloring the same sheet of paper. Coincidence? I think not
2 Weekends, 2 Goals
So I had to work this last weekend because we had our Annual Packard car show and I missed Sophia's goal. When Isella sent me the text I was excited for her goal but then upset because I missed it. I think we should invest in a camcorder. We celebrated when I got home but I was sad that Sophie didn't get to hear daddy's loud whistle after her goal. I always love to whistle really loud when I am in a crowd so that my girls know it's me. Keep up the good work girls, love you.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Sporty Spice
The US Women's soccer team may have Mia Hahm but the mighty Fullerton Blue Dragons have Mia Graham. My baby Mia scored her first goal this weekend in front of a capacity crowd at Chapman Park in Fullerton. I'm not sure what the score was because we don't keep score but what an exciting game. While Mia was scoring goals Michelle and Sophia were stopping them. Just like Daddy was an All-County defensive tackle my 2 defenders were ANIMALS stopping everything that came thier way. I am so proud of all of your hard work. Love you

Monday, August 30, 2010
Back to School
I just got this picture from Isella on Mia's 1st day of Kindergarten. Notice the tattoo on her left arm to establish some street cred on her first day :). I am so proud of my girls and I know they will do great this year. See you when you get home, love you.

Back to school time is always bitter sweet for me. I am glad that the girls are back to learning but I love all the fun summer stuff we do together. Back to school time is also a reminder that the girls are another year older. This seems worse than birthdays to me because they all go back at the same time instead of staggered throughout the year. This back to school time will be tough for Isella as well still recovering from surgery, at least all the girls are at one school now. Thanks to everyone that helped out during the last few weeks while my beautiful bride was "out of order". Grandma helped with back to school shopping, a task I refuse to do. Sarah helped a lot with the girls. You could definitely tell the days that Sarah got the girls ready and the days that I did. I am ashamed of the fact that I graduated from Cosmetology school but I still can't make a decent pony tail. Auntie Veronica and Uncle Chris took the girls to all kinds of fun places and gave me a break. A group of ladies from Church also helped out by bringing dinner for us every other day which helped out tremendously because I only have a few signature dishes and the girls won't eat most of them. Thanks to everyone who helped and prayed for our Family and thank God for watching over us through it all.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Knott's Berry Farm
After a few years we finally decided to return to the scene of the crime. For those of you that don't know, when Sophie was around 2 years old she got lost at Knott's for almost 2 hours. It didn't seem to bother her much but it was really the worst experience of our lives and the rising cost of Disney passes forced us to take the great deal Knott's was giving. As you can see from the second picture the girls now have a very large bodyguard that will not leave their sides even if he is having a very hard time squeezing into the rides in Camp Snoopy.

Beauty Sleep
Brave Big Sister
Cowgirl Up!!!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Mia's class took a field trip to the local fire station. they had fun and looked at all of the equipment but Mia was the only one who got a picture with a real hero. You wouldn't know by the picture but the bells were ringing and that other lady is trying to get the kids out of the way so the guys could leave on the call but Isella wasn't leaving without a picture. Way to go Babe.

Saturday, March 13, 2010
It's been a while
I have been so busy over the wrestling season that I didn't have time to blog (Brag) about my wonderful family. Here are some pictures from a couple months ago when Michelle was in the hospital with Pneumonia. She was in there for over a week but my brave little girl made it through. Sophia and Mia had a really hard time because they do not let kids under 15 visit so they missed her so much that when she got home they didn't start fighting for like an hour. Thanks to Grandma and Sarah for really helping out while Isella and I were back and forth to Fountain Valley and thank the Lord above for being right by her side through it all.
Here is a picture of me and the girls playing Loteria. It's kind of like Mexican bingo. We play with marshmellows and the winner gets to eat one.

Here is a picture of me and the girls playing Loteria. It's kind of like Mexican bingo. We play with marshmellows and the winner gets to eat one.

Here is a picture of Michelle upset about the Connect Four beat down she just got. I got alot of dirty looks from the nurses because I didn't let her win. I will say that after a week of playing, she is awesome at Connect Four.
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